If your property is subscribed to the VMS (Visitor Management System), Management is able to export data of visitors.  However, if you are not, but are interested, contact iResidenz.

A. Visitor


1. Click 'Visitors'

2. 'Visitor' tab allows Management to view visitor on a daily basis. There are 5 colored tabs.  

a. The Green tab indicates the total visitors of the day.

b. The Blue tab indicates how many visitors are Checked-in

c. The Purple tab indicates how many visitors are Checked-out

d. The Yellow tab indicates how many visitors are in Waiting to be Checked-in

e. The Red tab indicates how many visitors were Rejected from entering the property.

3. Management is able to select Date Range to view past visitors. Data can be exported into PDF or Excel format.

B. Pre-registered Visitors

1. 'Pre-registered Visitors' tab allows Management to view upcoming visits.

2. Management is able to export data into PDF or Excel format.

3. Click on 'Date-Range' > Choose date > View

C. Analytics

1. 'Analytics' tab allows Management to analyze visitor type.

2. Management is able to export data into PDF or Excel format

3. Click on 'Date-Range' > Choose date > View

D. Blacklist

1. 'Blacklist' tab allows Management to Add visitors into this category upon request by owners/tenants.

2. Management is able to export data into PDF or Excel format

3. Click on 'Date-Range' > Choose date > View